April 2023: Widen The Circle

Thanks to your support, Do For One currently supports 73 one-to-one relationships across societal barriers unfolding all across NYC.

In the coming years, we want to widen the circle. While doing that, just as importantly, we intend to thicken the circle by diversifying our reach, investing in leadership development, and deepening community roots in key neighborhoods. 

See our campaign video for a compelling visual of how we've grown over the years and a special announcement you don't want to miss! 

With gratitude,

DO FOR ONE is a relationship-building program that brings isolated people into greater community life. We selectively match one person with developmental disabilities (‘partner’) with another person who enjoys a more socially included life (‘advocate’).


Christina Park | Caroline Oh | Maria Newkirk | Nick Nowalk 


Andrew Oliver | Founder, Executive Director andrew@doforone.org
Jane Yoon | Program Manager  jane@doforone.org
Valerie Listwon | Associate Coordinator valerie@doforone.org 

Do For One
 We've raised $2,889 of our $20,000 spring campaign goal so far! 


May 2023: Two Guys Named Alex


March 2023: Mentor to Bridge-builder, Neighbor to Advocate to Friend, Acquaintance to Family-Friend